How can massage therapy and energy work help with symptoms of stress and anxiety?

Did you know that 75%-90% of all doctor’s visits are for stress related ailments? When you are in a constant state of stress, your muscles can tense, your breath can be constricted, and your circulation can also be compromised. Your body will respond with high blood pressure, anxiety, depression, headaches, asthma and more. HOW does massage therapy help relieve the symptoms of stress and anxiety in your body?

Human touch is essential for life. In fact, if a baby is not held at birth it can fail to thrive, it will lose weight and in some cases it will die. Think about when you hurt yourself, what is the first thing you do? You place your hand over where you are hurt. When you need comfort, you often crave someone to put their arms around you and embrace you. Every human relies on human touch to feel connected. During the massage or energy work session the person receiving will often feel connected, safe, calm and comforted.

Massage therapy and energy work can bring someone out of their “fight or flight” system, into a relaxed state. As they “let go” of their day, they will slow down their breathing, allow their thoughts to fade away, and release muscular tension. It is in the relaxed state or parasympathetic system where our bodies are able to heal themselves.

Throughout the session, thoughts and emotions may present themselves to the receiver. This is a good thing, as it brings awareness to the person. I have had a number of clients share that they are now choosing to make changes to their health or they have a motivation to take care of themselves in a more productive way than they had previously.

For me personally, I learn something new every time I receive a massage. I feel where I hold tension, I am made aware of muscles that I did not feel were tense before, I am able to process emotions and I am able to give myself the permission to STOP during my day and really take care of me. When I make the time for me, I am so much better in all aspects of my life.

I find that with regular massage, my symptoms of stress and anxiety greatly diminish or disappear. I am much more connected to my body and mind and I can actually HEAR/FEEL the signals that my body tells me. Slow down, breathe, drink water, eat something, etc. When I am in my stressed state, those signals cannot come through.

I look forward to helping you connect to your true and great power. See you on the table.

Daniel and his husband, Marcus live in Novato, CA.

Daniel has a full-time healing practice in Novato, CA. He is available for massage therapy, Reiki, Spiritual Hypnosis and guided imagery.


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